
Summary of Qualifications: Strong understanding of graphic trends, accomplished in Adobe Creative Cloud, exceptional time management and organizational skills pertaining to remote assignments and production, independently disciplined and motivated


SmartCreative, Houghton MI 8/22 - Present -Graphic Designer, Brand Manager, Project Manager, Videographer, Photographer, Social Media Manager

-Responsible for the creative direction and digital execution of  logos, branding packages, websites, apparel designs, billboards, pamphlets, and proposals

-Lead creative direction and execute and edit photo/video shoots, working with clients in a variety of settings

-Responsible for the social media growth of multiple businesses on Instagram and Facebook through photos, Youtube videos, Instagram Reels and successful giveaways

Maurices, MI and WI 2/19 - 06/22 - consistently delivered exceptional customer service, demonstrated understanding of the latest fashion trends and contributed to the achievement of team sales goals through effective product knowledge and personalized assistance, contributing to a positive shopping experience for all customers


Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Green Bay, WI

Associate Degree, Design and Graphic Technology May 2022

Related Coursework: Graphic Design Fundamentals, Photoshop Fundamentals, Advanced Photoshop, Illustrator Fundamentals, Photography, Online Media Design, Graphic Design Project Management, Social Media Marketing, Principles of Digital Printing, Typography, Layout and Composition 1 and 2

Print Technology Technical Diploma May 2022

Social Media Design Certificate May 2022

Idealliance Print Certification     October 2021

The Young Americans College of the Performing Arts, Corona, CA

Associate Degree, Performing Arts April 2021

Related Coursework: Intro to Stagecraft, Intro to Psychology, Interpersonal Communication, Business Math

-Completed final semester remotely including rehearsing, teaching and organizing a show for high school aged students. Included in a group of student leaders to handle scheduling, rehearsal leadership and executing creative exercises while meeting deadlines across three time zones for show timing, video submissions, and vocal arrangement submissions